Vladimir Zotov passed away
With deep regret, we have to inform you, that in his 80th year of life Vladimir Zotov passed away.
He was a great athlete and friend. He became nominated as first National Director for Ukraine in WMA and worked for Masters skiers in his country in the period 1991 to 2011.
Vladimir Zotov was born on 02/08/1940 in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region. He headed his sports activity in the sports committee of the city of Brovary, Kiev region and was awarded the title of Honorary Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine. V. Zotov for the first time organized and created in 1988 the «Union of Lovers of Skiing of Ukraine among Veterans». For 20 years, Vladimir Zotov organized races and Championships of Ukraine for Masters both for cross-country and roller skiing. With great enthusiasm he worked very hard to bring Ukrainian Masters teams to the Masters World Cups.
He was also a great cross-country skier and partipated very successfully at the various Masters World Cups. During the Masters World Cup in Falun in 2010 he said good-bye to the WMA family.
The bright memory of this wonderful man will always live in our hearts. In memory of Vladimir Zotov, we continue the sports movement among the masters of Ukraine.
Tetyana Bilous, National Director of Ukraine
«Amateur Cross-Country Ski Union of Ukraine»