MWC 2021 Canmore/CAN Updates
7 May 2020 The 2021 Masters World Cup slated for Canmore, Canada — 4-12 March 2021 — remains fully on schedule at the present time.
With the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Canmore Organizing Committee (OC) and the World Masters Association (WMA) have been in regular communication the past two months developing detailed plans and contingency options for the coming ten months. A MWC2021 Event Risk plan is now in place to continually evaluate the viability of hosting the MWC2021. Local and regional health experts are part of the Crisis Management Team. National experts within the Canadian government are also available as needed to consult with the evaluation process.
As with all large sporting events planned for the coming 12-18 months around the world, the number one priority guiding plans for the MWC2021 is health and safety in every aspect of the event plan. Since the Masters World Cup is a truly international event, the situation with the pandemic will be continually evaluated within Canmore, the province of Alberta, Canada as a nation —as well as the safety and viability of international air travel for participants from up to 25 different countries as of March 2021.
The Canmore OC and WMA will continue working on the normal MWC preparations, while also recognizing that the MWC2021 will require an extraordinary level of flexibility and later-than-normal final arrangements by organizers and participants alike. As an example, the Canmore OC is discussing options with local lodging providers to create the most flexible lodging terms possible.
WMA will continue to update our National Directors over the summer and fall months as projections as the picture for MWC2021 viability comes into better focus over time. All skiers interested in participating in the MWC2021 are currently encouraged to visit the official event website to find out as much as possible about this exciting event —